软件静态测试工具(MISRA C/C++)/Static Analysis Tool: Codescroll![]()
Suresofttech Co. is small but strong and the only enterprise in the nation for inventing independent technology in software testing automation field; They provide test automation tool and verification software for software safety verification in Mission-Critical industry field. They endeavor to make a contribution in software industry carrying social responsibility with the vision to make a safer world with softwares.
Suresoft 公司专注于软件的自动化测试领域,提供静态测试、动态测试、模型测试、故障注入等多种工具,用于对安全性要求较高的行业,用以保证代码的安全性和可靠性。Codescroll是用于代码静态测试的工具,可以提供编码规则检测、run-time error检测、内存泄漏、代码质量度量、测试结果管理等功能。软件本身通过了功能安全认证,广泛应用于汽车、航空、国防、安全、铁路、电子电器、核能、医疗、船舶等多个行业。 代码静态测试工具(MISRA C/C++)Static Analysis Tool: 1,编码规则检测:Checking Codeing Rules
Verify source code in accordance to code rules required in each industry. 2,运行时间错误检测:Run-time Error Detection
3,快速分析:Rapid Analysis using distributed computers
4,分别为manager和developer提供不同的视图: 5,方便快捷的fix缺陷:Easy and quick fix defects
Special Features/Advantages: