目标代码单元测试,集成测试 Object Code Testing--TestIDEA
iSYSTEM testIDEA offers Real-Time Unit and Integration Testing by executing test cases and test vectors on a real hardware without code instrumentation.
testIDEA:单元测试和集成/系统测试工具,在无用户源代码的情况下也可以进行用例编辑和测试,实现真正的在线测试。 It's presumed that the target hardware includes a processor or a microcontroller executing the target application code and being controlled by iSYSTEM blue box. Test subjects are C/C++ functions, which are stressed with possible input parameters (test vectors) and then the functions' results are compared against the expected.
testIDEA does not require modifying the target application code, which makes it distinct amongst available test tools in the market.
testIDEA : 不需要修改目标应用程序代码,最真实的测试环境,这是其它的测试工具无法办到的。
Main features:
Testcase Edit: iSYSTEM.connect API
System Setup: |